Abstention Could Determine the Outcome of the Presidential Election - Hallo ami
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Abstention Could Determine the Outcome of the Presidential Electionlink :
Abstention Could Determine the Outcome of the Presidential Election
Abstention Could Determine the Outcome of the Presidential Election
As I reported last week, the expected level of abstention in this year's presidential is abnormally high.
A new study confirms the one I mentioned previously, and the softness in the center in particular is no doubt alarming to the campaign of Emmanuel Macron. I don't have time to analyze these findings in detail today, but I will return to this topic in the future. It's a new and interesting development in French politics, in which participation in presidential elections has historically been high. Apparently, the decomposition of the party system and the blurring of the left-right divide has left many voters disoriented and unsure which way to turn.
ainsi, les articles Abstention Could Determine the Outcome of the Presidential Election
soit tous les articles Abstention Could Determine the Outcome of the Presidential Election Cette fois, nous l'espérons peut offrir des avantages à vous tous. Bon, vous voyez dans un autre article affichage.
Vous lisez maintenant l'article Abstention Could Determine the Outcome of the Presidential Election avec l'adresse du lien https://derinfos.blogspot.com/2017/03/abstention-could-determine-outcome-of.html
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